How to Keep Gen Z and Millennials Interested in the Workplace
These days, employers have to admit that keeping employees can be as hard as running a business at times, and there is a need to invest in employee maintenance. For one, it is far cheaper to keep employees in the payroll than spend time and money hiring new ones. The times have changed and with it is a new generation of people in the workforce.
Today’s workforce is composed of Gen Z and Millennial workers that grew up on a more fast-paced lifestyle. They are in it, not just for the money, but for the career growth as well. Meaningless certificates and cookie-cutter corporate events won’t cut it anymore for these people. They want to build careers instead of going to a day job.
Not all contemporary employees are created equal, but there is a way to keep things interesting for them in the workplace.
Encourage Reskilling
Better yet, sharpen each other and enable your team to grow together by taking part in the company’s reskilling sessions. Lead your company to trainings and seminars that would enrich employees’ skills and help them grow in their careers by simply being better at their jobs.
As the business owner, you will reap the benefits of having improved outputs while strengthening your bond with your employees as you work together.
Mix Things Around
If you feel like things are starting to get repetitive, or if the pressure of a certain project is ruining the vibe in the workplace, why not take a step back and get some air? Change the scenery and encourage fresh ideas.
Consider taking a productive time-off — tell the team that you’re going to take a break, maybe to mold chocolates in Malagos Garden Resort, and discuss new approaches over some hot chocolate at the end of the day.
The current generation of employees are often branded as impatient or ungrateful, and it may sometimes seem like it’s impossible to keep them engaged. But the truth is they are simply a different kind of workforce and employers have to take a different kind of approach to keep things interesting for their employees.