ao Work from Home Just Got Better: Tips to Have Excellent Outputs When Working Remotely

Dirk Santos
2 min readNov 13, 2020

Working in the middle of a pandemic isn’t an easy task. Business may have to go on as usual, but it doesn’t mean employees are mentally and physically prepared for the sudden shift and the demands that go with it. Countless people have been struggling with the added pressure of working from home, which isn’t a conducive environment for some. Still, deadlines have to be met and tasks don’t stop pouring in. On the bright side, there are some small things both employees and employers can do to come up with excellent outputs despite the challenges of working from home.

1. Communicate well with your colleagues. — There is no better time to sharpen communication skills than now. Working remotely has removed the luxury of being able to observe non verbal cues closely. This means our words really have to be clear. Whether through video call or email, make your point easy to digest and always confirm understanding. This will save you and your team a lot of trouble in the future.

2. Be generous with deadlines and schedules. — Now that we live in a very unstable scenario, it’s possible that a lot of unexpected things will pop up. This will hinder anyone in the team from meeting tight deadlines. Instead of stressing over going beyond the deadline, make sure to schedule tasks with ample buffer time to account for situations like power interruptions, home emergencies, and the like.

3. Take care of your team’s mental health. — We cannot stress the importance of taking care of one another enough. No one in the world is safe from the mental toll the pandemic and its effects will take on our minds. Make time for catch up sessions with your team where you don’t talk about work but just connect with one another, like a virtual version of having coffee together during break times in the office.

4. Make sure everyone is healthy. — Our immune system really has to be boosted to be safe from COVID and to produce quality outputs at work. Because of this, in Davao, meal plans have been popping up and gaining popularity. There are options for almost every kind of diet to assure that we can have access to a healthy food meal in Davao. At work, companies can actually make sure everyone can avail of the best Pinoy food and delivery in Davao or simply healthy and delicious Davao food trays by having meal sponsorships/allowance. Companies can also directly tie up with food services like Xpress Eats to deliver food to employees’ homes.

Hopefully, the pandemic will end sooner than later. Until then, those of us in the working world will have to adapt to the new normal as professionals.



Dirk Santos

I like to connect with people and share some good things that I encounter in nature